Your new composite fillings are fully hardened before you even leave the office; however, it is wise to chew on the opposite side of the newly placed filling(s). Your gums may be sore for several days. Rinse your mouth three times a day with warm salt water (put a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water, rinse and spit) to reduce pain and swelling. One of the most common problems following filling placement with anesthesia, is an incorrect bite. 

It is normal to experience some hot, cold and biting sensitivity for 3-4 days after your appointment. It should decrease each day after this period. If it doesn’t, please call our office. When anesthesia has been used, your lips, teeth, and tongue may be numb for several hours after the appointment. Avoid any chewing until the numbness has completely worn off. It is easy to bite or burn your tongue or lip while numb.

 It is recommended that you take some ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil, 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours as needed) before the anesthetic completely wears off. This will help with any swelling or pain at the injection sites where the anesthetic was administered. If your bite feels uneven, if you have persistent pain, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please contact our office immediately to obtain help or advice.

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